Friday, March 13, 2015


The other volunteers and I have just returned from second retreat. We were so lucky to spend the week in one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen, Andringitra National Park. We spent the week climbing mountains, seeing ringtail lemurs, and just spending time together with other volunteers. Andringitra is close to Fianar, so many people are there are from the same tribe as my friends and family here. So, I was able to see more about Betsileo culture, and impress the guides with my Betsileo language. The theme for retreat was vocation. It was a great time to reflect on my admittance to graduate school, and how my time here in Madagascar will affect my work and calling as a social worker.

Let me just share some pictures. There is no other way to describe the beauty of this place. And, I'm not sure that pictures can really capture it, but I have done my best!

Our guides walked in front of us. Ramon isn't in this picture, but he was one guide. He is 60 years old and hikes the mountain we climbed three times a week. He wasn't even tired at the top, it was impressive. 

Just some views. 

Hanging out with the mountains.

Hanging out on top of the mountain! 

That's the chameleon we climbed. That's what I was on in the previous picture. 

On the way back we saw some lemurs. 

The clouds though. We were so high up. That's the view from the porch of the tent where we stayed.

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