I am a Minnesota girl headed to the big island of Madagascar. I graduated from college in spring of 2014 and I have been called to walk with the Malagasy people for a year as a Young Adult in Global Mission (YAGM) through the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. You can learn more about the YAGM program here. When I received my call, I knew almost nothing about Madagascar. I have learned some since then and will continue to learn more as I prepare for and walk through this journey.
You can follow my journey and help support me by reading my blog, writing comments, sending me e-mails, and possibly even snail mail. I will respond, but it may take time because internet will likely be scarce. I will also be writing newsletters throughout my year, please let me know if you would like to be added to the e-mail list for newsletters. I hope that through these means, you all can learn about the Malagasy people as well. Thank you for your support; I could not do this journey without all of you.
This the group of future YAGMs and I at the Discernment, Interviews, Placement Weekend (DIP).
Awesome beginning to what I pray will be an awesome year!