Monday, June 9, 2014

Countdown to YAGM: 64 Days.

Happy June!

I have had a busy first few weeks of summer, but I have made sure to take time to spend time with people and doing things that I love before I head for Madagascar.  I also sent in my Visa paperwork and all of my medical forms last week; it is all happening so fast (in a very good way!). I just wanted to update you all on how to contribute to my year financially if you are interested; I know some people have been asking me for that information.  

Here are the instructions: 

1.       Make a check payable to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
2.       Write “Ellen Doering – GCS3096” in the memo line.
3.       Send your donation to
                  Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
                  PO Box 71764
                  Chicago, IL 60694-1764

Contributing financially is by no means a requirement to being involved in my journey.  Also, please be sure to subscribe on the right side of this blog so when I have a new post you will be updated via e-mail and send me a quick e-mail if you are interested in receiving my newsletters as well.  

I apologize for the quick post; I am still waiting to hear about where I will be living sometime in July, so there isn't much exciting happening yet! 

Thank you! :)